Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Sound that would forever Change My Life!

              A young, nervous couple, sit in patient room number 4. The beautiful young woman laying nervously on the patient bed, her hand off to the side, fingers interlaced with her husband to be. He holds her hand tightly, as an affirmation that everything will be ok. They gaze into each other’s eyes, and see the truth of the situation. They’re both unsure of the future ahead, and unsure of the obstacles that lay ahead of them. The only thing they are sure of, is they love each other more than they ever thought possible. No matter what life will throw at them, no matter what difficulties await them, no matter what obstacles lurk around the corner, they have each other. This is the only comfort they have right now. It’s the only comfort they need.
               The Mid wife walks in, smiles at the young, anxious couple and asks her young patient a few questions. Her questions are very frank, and she expects answers to be as well. Some questions feel rather personal, but that’s why the couple finds themselves in this room. Little do they know, these questions will later become ordinary and routine, and will not feel so uncomfortable in the near future.

                The Mid wife puts her gloves on, and removes a small bag containing some necessary tools. The young woman nervously looks at her Man, and he squeezes her hand with a little more pressure to assure her, he’s here and he’s not going anywhere. Sensing their uneasiness, the Mid wife reassures them, that she’s done this thousands of time. She’s been in this field for over 35 years, and to trust her, everything will be ok.

                A small speaker box is pulled out with a device on the end that looks like a microphone. She places a generous amount of blue gel on the end and warns the young woman that it will be cold for second, and then it will warm up. She places the receiver coated with gel, on the young woman’s belly and immediately inaudible sounds resonate from the speaker. Gently she moves the device up and down the belly and the sound from the speaker is similar to the open ocean. It’s almost calming. Then suddenly a thumping sound is heard.

                “Lub, dub. Lub, dub.”

                With great excitement the couple grin from ear to ear.

                “Is that….” The young woman begins.

                “Hang on now” the Mid wife interrupts “that’s the sound of your heartbeat.

                She continues to move the instrument around, this time pushing further down and with a little more force. She angles it downward, and pulls it at different angles like a professional treasure hunter looking meticulously for that hidden treasure that she knows is there, just beneath the surface concealed from the naked eye.

                Just then, a very faint a distinguished and much faster paced set of sounds appears.

                “Lub dub Lub dub Lub dub Lub dub.”

                “There it is!” The treasure hunter exclaims.  “That is your baby’s heart beat!”

                The couple starts to cry. Tears stream down both of their faces. The young father to be, stands up and embraces his Love. They weep uncontrollably in each other’s arms, amazed at the sound of this wonderful miracle being created in the womb of this loving mother. This child has no idea how excited his future parents are to hear his little heartbeat.

                This simple sound was a harmony that would change the course of my life. This sound would change me forever. I did not know then, that this would be the beginning of the most difficult, challenging, yet happiest, and fulfilling times of my life! Fatherhood, married life, and all the joys associated with it. I’m grateful to my wife, and our ever growing eternal family, for our humble beginnings, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world!